Contact Us

If you have a question or comment about our service, feel free to send us an email. A lot of questions are answered in our FAQ.

Comment Removal

Please navigate to the comment you have a problem with, click the ! icon on the top right of the comment to report it. Please submit a detailed report about the comment and why it should be removed. Comment removal policies vary by country and applicable local law.

All information on this site originates from comments or complaints made by users. If you feel someone has left a comment containing your personal information without your consent, please use the report button next to the comment to request it's removal.

Corporate Usage

We are happy to work with non-marketing companies wherever possible. Please email us with your requirements - we may not even charge for access!
support <at>

Do NOT email this adddress for changes to listings. Your email will not be read by anyone.

API Support

We're always happy to help. Do you have a suggestion for our API? Even better!
support <at>